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Salem College Releases 2023-2024 Annual Report

The annual report for 2023-2024 includes the data so you can see just how remarkable the past year was at Salem Academy and Salem College in terms of enrollment growth, financial stability, and campus vibrancy. 

Salem College was again one of a handful of schools in North Carolina to achieve record-setting enrollment outcomes for a third consecutive year, and also saw total enrollment growth for the first time in 10 years. Combined with institutional fundraising, a grant from NASA, and the launch of a new four-year leadership development program, Salem College is truly an institution on the rise. 

Another very exciting aspect of our success the past year has been the launch of multiple partnerships that boost opportunities for our students, increase accessibility and affordability, and provide resources to connect with major businesses and organizations. Each of these partnerships also helps us spread the word about Salem and attract more attention to this special place. Read about a few partnerships below:

To see the full picture, and read more about our financial strength, alumnae news, and personal stories about Salem’s impact, please read the full report. 

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