Graduate Grievance Policy

Salem College is committed to receiving and addressing student complaints and grievances in a clear and timely manner with respect to all parties involved.
If the matter is not resolved in consultation with the Director of Graduate Studies in Education, the student may then refer the matter to the Graduate Education Council. The student should submit a letter addressed to the Graduate Education Council describing the grievance to the Director of Graduate Studies in Education. The director will present the letter them to the Graduate Education Council for deliberation and decision and will report the Graduate Education Council’s decision back to the student.
If the Graduate Education Council’s resolution is not satisfactory to the student, she/he may refer the matter in writing to the vice president for academic and student affairs and dean of the College for further consideration.
To speak with the institution represenative regarding your studnet complaints, please direct all correspondence to:
Nicki Young
601 South Church St
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
If you were unable to resolve a complaint through the institution’s grievance procedures, please submit a complaint to:
North Carolina Department of Justice
Consumer Protection Division
9001 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-9001
Phone number: 1-877-566-7226
An online complaint form is available at: