Academic Programs
Business Administration
The business administration major offers students an essential combination of pre-professional preparation and a solid foundation in the liberal arts. Both are essential to success in today’s increasingly global and diverse business environment. You belong in this program of study if you are committed to hard work, aren’t afraid to take risks and understand that, above all, progress is about growth. In addition to a bachelor of arts with a major in business administration, Salem offers a minor in business administration as well as a minor in business entrepreneurship.
Business Entrepreneurship (Minor)
The minor in business entrepreneurship provides non-business majors with the background needed to nurture an innovative product or service idea and grow it into a new business opportunity. The minor will also help non-business majors who envision being self-employed in their own small businesses which grow out of their passions for arts and science. Courses in business entrepreneurship are offered as part of the business administration program. Although there is no major in business entrepreneurship, it may be chosen as either a minor or a concentration area within the business administration major. This minor is not available to students who are taking a business entrepreneurship concentration in the business administration major. A minimum of three courses must be taken at Salem. No more than three courses, regardless of semester hours, may be counted toward both a student’ s major and a minor.
Student Experience
Interdisciplinary in nature, the program’s curriculum is designed to make the links between the liberal arts and the world of business explicit. In upper-level courses, the emphasis is on case studies and analytical thinking. Along with an individualized approach to learning, Salem’s business administration major is widely respected for its practical orientation and focus on leadership.
Health Leadership Highlights
Students in the business administration major will:
- Learn the importance of financial health
- Discuss workplace policies related to the health and wellbeing of employees
- Research leadership theories in order to apply them to their future management style
- Have the opportunity to take courses in healthcare administration
- Participate in leadership workshops, training programs, and conferences
Jobs and Outcomes
A business administration degree will equip you to:
- Work for a corporation, the government or a nonprofit institution
- Start your own business
- Enter one of the many management training programs and graduate schools across the country that regularly accept Salem graduates