Alumnae Stories

Alumnae Stories
Before I chose Salem College, I had planned to attend an Ivy League school and work in medicine. In fact, when Salem first contacted me, I had already made the final cut at Harvard and Georgetown, a first for my high school. But Salem won me over. I felt most supported by Salem, and even my guidance counselor recognized Salem was a great fit for me.
Staci Lewis 2002
I’ve always been active inside and outside the classroom. At Salem students are really encouraged to get involved on campus, so I knew I’d have a chance to stand out. In addition to being class president and Fall Fest chair and taking a full course load, I pursued a nursing assistant certification off campus.
Through my clinical experiences I decided the medical career I had planned for so long was not really how I wanted to spend my life. For January Term, during my senior year, I became intrigued by a marine biology program Salem was offering in Barbados.
Having already invested so much personally and financially in the MCAT and medical school applications, I was at a loss on how to fund the Barbados trip. I met with the president of Salem and was able to get a scholarship so I could go. That January Term ignited my passion for marine biology. The opportunity propelled me to grad school and my career in environmental science. Salem supported me all the way, even when I made a complete turn on my career path.